Announcing the hyperforum
Written by Pavan Kumar on August 26, 2008
This is a great update for hyperwebenable users. The world’s first free top level domain service is having one more update. Recently the forum has been added into the site.
Hyperforum is the network of hyperwebenable users to help each other in different issues and here are few tips for hyperforum users:
- Update your profile: This is important, if someone sees your good comment, he definitely looks to read more content you have written. Everyone here work on a website and hence we always look to read your website. If you update your profile with your website url, it will be displayed in the side bar of your post and probability of other users clicking on your url becomes more and hence you get traffic.
- Contribute the best: Contribution not just means that you should provide the users with great content. You may share some cool ideas, guidelines, tutorials which you find elsewhere through a link. Don’t copy and paste such great content from other sites not even your site. Copy paste is the most cheap practice and such posts will be deleted without notice. Share such content with links.
- Help and get helped: This is the main motto of our forum. We are around 400 hyperwebenablers here. We range from techno geeks to work at home moms. All are not equipped with each and every knowledge and talent required in achieving a mastery over the web. If you know the solution for someone’s problem, you just help them with that. If you are struck anywhere, just post a topic and surely you will get a reply quickly. Helping each other will increase your popularity and hence the traffic.
- Drive Traffic: All above tell the same thing to favor you, but there is one sub-forum dedicated for that. You might have observed the bookmark exchange section. Just go through the tips and get your page bookmarked by hyperwebenablers all over.
Stay Active and get noticed…
If you are a hyperwebenable user, register on hyperforum. Still more good user names are not yet registered.
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Did you know how to add new templates in phpBB forum without using ftp account!
I am a Hyperwebenable user, that is why I don’t have FTP account details. So I need to install a new theme for my phpBB3 forum and I need to know how to do it!
As HyperForum is not accepting new user registration, so I am asking this question here.
Thank You.