StumbleUpon Shock / Stumble User Benchmark?

Written by Pavan Kumar on January 6, 2009


Today while stumbling, I ended up at the page which has the following information. I was really stunned to look at that. Though I could easily identify that was the creativity of the creator who designed the web page, for a moment, it was scary.

stumbleupon shock

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9 Readers responded to this post

Nice find. I just stumbled this page few minutes back :)

Nice find…

Stumbled the article..

it’s quite funny indeed. i wish i could see the face of each victim 😀


Thanks for the stumble…


Hehe… you can see their normal faces in the stumble review page… 😛

Employees will get shocked for the words on that screens.Too funny :)
Good finding dude.

Lol, nice find. This can scare any stumbler who is stumbling from office

LOL!! stumbled your post and that linked page as well 😉




Wow, Thank for the stumble…

Ha ! cool idea.. nice find..

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    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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