Techpavan on a new design
Written by Pavan Kumar on December 16, 2008
After Barack Obama, it was the whole of blogosphere which needed the CHANGE. Most of the bloggers around changed their theme. I think I am the one who planned to change first and doing the work at last. Anyway I am happy with my work and expecting your view on the same. And this is an article to let my subscribers know about the change and thank the ones who helped directly or indirectly.
When I remember the word thanks – the first online friend coming to my mind is Rahul Bansal of Devil’s Workshop. Though he may be damn busy these days, he is a very helpful guy for me in all efforts and problems. Next, the ones who provided me a platform to prove my online identity – Hyperwebenable. Hyperwebenable is the planet’s unique free web domain cum hosting service. There are few companies which provide free hosting, but no one else can give you free domains. The logo was designed by Annie, a professional designer of Software Icons and WordPress Templates.
Now, coming to those helped indirectly, they don’t know I have taken free service from them. First, theme designers like WP Theme Designer and Dezzain Studio, I have picked different concepts from them – their themes have helped me in different ways. Of course, WordPress Codex helped all the time, but support didn’t. I am very bad at color combination, but Life Rocks old theme helped me pick better colors for the theme, thanks to Nirmal.
Its my pleasure to extend my thanks to Deepak from Mobile Gyaan, Harsh from Shout Me Loud and Samrat from Techno Samrat who provided few suggestions at times and also we guys are helping mutually to grow.
My special thanks to Sitakanta who is helping me with SEO related things which are most important for a blogger. Sita has gifted India with his cost free used mobile market place – Contact Hello.
There is another guy, Dnyanesh who inspite of his busy educational schedule tried to make a good logo for me, but it was my mistake that I did not give him enough time to work on it. He will be launching his blog on his 18th birthday in March’09. I wish him a wonderful success.
Last but the most important – you guys – my visitors and subscribers. You have been more interesting than me, providing me ideas of blogging with my small comment / contact form. I expect the same participation from you in the future. Thank you all.
I wish myself a super success with this new theme.
Suggestions please:
As everyone does, I too use only one browser – The No.1 Firefox. Still I tried to test it in few browsers and did not find great issues with my theme. And my recommendation to you readers is to use firefox all the time considering security concerns and even design issues. Please stop using crap softwares [like IE x.x] to browse online. In my view you should use IE only once – to download firefox for the very first time π .
Anyway, I am not here to blame IE, but if you get any issues with your browsers, please drop me a line. It would be even better if you mail me – pavan[at]techpavan[dot]com. Please provide screenshots of whatever you find weird.
Known Issues:
I found few issues as I uploaded the theme online. Such problems were not found when I tested my theme on my local installation of wordpress. They have been fixed now, but there is one problem still alive – Try to post a comment – you will see a blank page (not exactly, there will be header, footer and sidebar). I googled for solution and could not get a working one. I know about the one in troubleshooting faq, but it is not working for me. This time I need help from you guys who have experience. This issue does not seem to exist with every browser, but still it needs to be fixed. Please help.
Finally, the bug of comment posting is now fixed. Thanks to stratos who helped me in fixing the issue quickly. He is the one to identify what is making it in background. If you have a similar problem, please go through wordpress comment posting issue solution.
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I am loving the design. Especially the bottom half of it. “Did you like the post” part, Recommended to read part and the footer block. Good job