Welcome to Group Tweeting with TwittBot

Written by Pavan Kumar on December 19, 2008


twitter - micro bloggingTwitter has been a viral micro blogging platform and almost all active internet users have twitter accounts. It is also a fact that most internet based companies too own a twitter account which helps in marketing. The latest fact in the industry is that Twitter has contributed Dell in marketing bringing in revenue of 1 million dollars.

Like voice and non-voice support of any company, it is not so distant that we can expect twit support team. If you are a group / team / company, you will most likely wish to have a single twitter account where all your team members are allowed to tweet. In simple words, one account for many users. Even this is now possible with TwittBot.

TwittBot is a new online service launched a fortnight back, which makes it possible to have a single twitter account being updated by many contributors. They provide you with all control over your TwittBot account where you can make your account as Open or Close. Open account will not have any bounds over contributors, any twitter user can update to open account. In other way, closed accounts are those where the administrator of the TwittBot account will have control over users for the account.

If you want to test how it works, send a tweet to @twittbottest and see your tweet updates in 10 minutes in twittbottest account.

test update on twittbottest account


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2 Readers responded to this post

not useful for me but useful in general :)


Even for me, it is not useful… that’s why I did not test by making dummy account… but its a good service…

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About The Author

    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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