Happy Diwali ! 30+ Beautiful Diwali Wallpapers
Happy Diwali to all readers! Here is a beautiful collection of Diwali Wallpapers which you may share with friends to wish them on this happy occation.
ContactHello : The Free Second Hand Mobile Phone Market Place
Here is a free marketplace to advertise your mobile phones. Buyers contact sellers directly and sellers get good value for your used cell phone.
Free Unlimited VOIP Calls
This is a wonderful service. You can make almost unlimited free voip calls to different destinations. Pc to phone and phone to phone calls available for free. No credit card needed for registration.
Sunday Pastime #22: Test Your Computer Dependence
Here is the best test to check your computer dependency. No tool, no survey, just answer one simple question and prove you are computer independent.
What is Phishing? Explained in Simple English
Just watch this video and you will surely understand what actually is phishing. Everyone needs to be aware of phishing scams and should know how to detect it.